Angelo Tondini Quarenghi is a freelance journalist and photographer who has spent half his life travelling,
visiting 164 countries over the five continents. He has collaborated for years with prestigious magazines,
from Harper’s Bazaar to Geo, from Architectural Digest to Vogue, with hundreds of illustrated reports, full
of stories and pictures.
He has published books in Italy, the United States, Great Britain and Russia. In 1988 he was the first Westerner to
reach the sources of the
Yellow river in China. In 1991 he won the Reporter of the Year prize in Costa Rica.
A pupil to famous masters (among whom Gianfranco Contini, Giovanni Sartori, Renato Mieli and Art Kane) he has made
freedom and liberty
his lifestyle, whatever the cost.
In spring 2002 he was in Kabul, which at that time was the hottest place on the planet, because he has always
been rather an inquisitive person. It was there that he got the inspiration for this book.
Email: ilkamikazecristiano@angelotondini.com
Sito internet: www.angelotondini.com